Nottingham Healthy Child Vision
We have worked with adults and children to create a vision for the Nottingham Healthy Child. We want schools across the city to commit to this vision.
The Nottingham Healthy Child
- is active
- makes choices that keep their body healthy
- uses strategies to maintain a healthy mind
- has a range of healthy relationships
- accesses help when they need it
- feels safe, secure and content
- is self-award, resilient, and positive about life
- has dreams and is determined to achieve them
- is kind to themselves and others
- celebrates their own and others' uniqueness and promotes equality
- understands the importance of balance in all aspects of life
How can schools support this vision?
- A school ethos, environment and relationships that promote and model a positive health and wellbeing culture
- Improving children's knowledge, understanding and skills through comprehensive PSHE
- Listening to the needs of children and acting upon them
- Engaging with local and national forums in order to inform evidence-based practice
- Encouraging children to apply their learning through a range of opportunities
- Signposting to and providing a range of support around health and wellbeing
- Working with parents to develop a shared understanding
Our Awards programme provides a framework for schools to assess and validate their health and wellbeing provision to support our shared vision for Nottingham children.