Personal Development, PSHE, RSHE, and health and wellbeing should respond to the needs of pupils. Schools can use in-house data such as attendance, behaviour, and safeguarding trends. In addition, there are sources of health data that look at trends for your school, local and national, you will find some of these below:
Nottingham Insight - the Nottingham Insight website features a range of Nottingham data including health and wellbeing, for example health needs assessments, research and reports.
Public Health England Fingertips - this tool provides data on young people in Nottingham in comparison to regional and national statistics. It includes a range of useful data including mental health, asthma, obesity and road accidents.
Health and Wellbeing survey - the Nottingham Health and Wellbeing survey provides your school with a report on the health related behaviours of children in your school. It is aimed at children in years 6 and 10, but other groups can also take part. You receive a comprehensive report on your school's results with a comparison to City-wide data.