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Achieve Well Health and Wellbeing Awards

The Achieve Well Health and Wellbeing Awards are designed to support schools to develop their health and wellbeing practice.

Sign up here

Achieve Well Foundation Awards Guide



Essentials Award

This school actively supports health and wellbeing through self-assessment, development, and review. 

Read More on Essentials Award

Champion Award

This school actively champions health and wellbeing through verified provision and sharing good practice. 

Read More on Champion Award

Impact Awards

This school prioritises health and wellbeing, making measurable improvements to provision and a positive impact. 

Read More on Impact Awards

The Vision

All schools signing up for our awards make a commitment to our vision, developed with children and adults in Nottingham: 

To achieve this vision, our Awards help schools to: 

  • cultivate a school ethos, environment, and relationships that promote and model a positive health and wellbeing culture 

  • improve children's knowledge and skills through comprehensive PSHE 

  • listen to the needs of children and act upon them 

  • engage with local and national forums in order to inform our evidence-based practice 

  • encourage children to apply their learning through a range of opportunities 

  • signpost to and provide a range of support around health and wellbeing 

  • work with parents to develop a shared understanding 



Our Award Platform

The Achieve Well Health and Wellbeing Awards platform has been developed by Create Development.  The virtual platform allows schools to assess their practice, monitor progress towards the awards and upload evidence.  Schools can download reports demonstrating their current position to share with interested parties.  Watch this video to learn more about the platform.

Award buddies

To support schools on their Award journey we have a buddy system where we aim to match schools at similar stages.  This provides an opportunity for colleagues to work together, share ideas, offer support and hold each other accountable.  If you would like to buddy up with another colleague, contact us and we will do our best to match you with someone suitable.  


For Nottingham City schools participation in the award scheme is fully funded by Nottingham City Public Health.  If you are a school outside of the city, please contact us for costings. 


Schools that achieve accreditation will receive a certificate and relevant logo to demonstrate their success and be displayed on the Achieve Well website and celebrated via our social media channels.  The Awards give schools the opportunity to audit provision against best practice and show impact.  The platform allows school to create reports on their progress to share with interested parties, for example governors, Ofsted.   By taking part in the Awards, schools demonstrate their commitment to a whole school approach to health and wellbeing which contributes to the Personal Development element of the school's inspection framework.   

Complete this form We will send you an SLA and a Data Processing Agreement.  Once we receive signed copies of these, we will get you set up on the Achieve Well Awards Platform.  You can download the Foundation Awards Guide here.

Schools will be expected to complete the Essentials or Champion Award within a year.  We envisage that the time it takes for schools to complete the awards will vary according to their starting point.  Due to the nature of the Impact Awards, schools will negotiate timescales with their assessor, up to a maximum of a year.

The Achieve Well Awards are hosted on an easy access, interactive Wheel platform from our partners The Development Wheel.  The platform allows you to audit your practice, access or download resources, update progress, upload evidence and pull off reports whenever needed.  

Selected members of the Achieve Well Team and, at your request, a member of the customer support team may have to log into the platform in the unlikely event there are any technical issues.  Your data is stored on servers in a secure location in Maidenhead (UK) which maintains an extensive set of policies and standards to ensure best practice. This secure location owned by Iomart, operates to the highest industry standards and is regularly inspected by independent auditors and assessors from a certification body on behalf the government’s United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). These compliance certifications include, but are not limited to, ISO9002, ISO27001 and Cyber-Essentials.

Here are the descriptors for each award:

Health and Wellbeing essentials Award – This school actively supports health and wellbeing through self-assessment, development, and review.

Health and Wellbeing Champion Award – This school actively champions health and wellbeing through verified provision and sharing good practice

The benchmarks and criteria for both award are the same.  Schools opting for the Champion Award are required to submit evidence, have an external verification, share good practice, and attend termly networks.  We have provided these two levels to recognise differing circumstances, allow every school to take part in a way that meets their needs and avoid duplication of workload where schools have completed other awards.

Yes, to start an Impact Award you need to complete either the Essentials or Champion Award.

A school chooses the Impact Awards they want to complete based on their identified needs.  There is no minimum or maximum number.  The aim of the Impact Awards is to make measurable impact within a particular theme.

Essentials and Champion Award status lasts for 3 years, at which point a school will need re-assess.

Each Impact Award achieved will be dated with the year of completion.  A school can choose whether, or not to re-assess.

There are a range of downloadable resources and links on the Achieve Well Award platform.  Training and network options are available here.  For the Impact Awards, each theme is supported by a toolkit with guidance, evidence, good practice examples and links to resources and further information.  You can also request individual support or attend group meetings with our advisors, contact us here.

There are a range of ways to decide on which Impact Awards are right for you:

  • Through the Essentials and Champion Awards you may identify areas for development in specific themes. 
  • Use your data from the Health and Wellbeing survey.
  •  In-house data, such as safeguarding, behaviour, pastoral.
  •  National/local trends and data.
  •  Meet with your advisor to discuss.

The Impact Awards are about showing progress.  There are some core elements that you may already have in place, however the accreditation requires the demonstration of impact not just provision.

Yes, however we do recommend that schools consider carefully the demands of each Impact Award before embarking, particularly around workload.  This is something to discuss with your advisor.

These awards are based on a whole-school approach which incorporates curriculum but also other aspects.  We recommend that a team of people work together, which will include the PSHE lead but also other key members of staff, including a senior leader.

Once you have your log-in details visit

If you have not yet registered for the awards, sign up here

On the log in window underneath the log in button is a a ‘forgot password’ link, if you click this, enter your email address into the field and click ‘email’ the system will send the login details to your email account.  If your email address is missing, you have given the wrong one, or someone else takes over the award please contact us and we will be able to support